Nutrition consultancy as a whole is a lot of science. In nutrition plans, the bitter truth is that there can be no perfect or ideal nutrition plan for anyone in this world, but here is the flip side that every meal and a plan is perfect and ideal in its own way the main question is whether the person following that plan or adapting to certain eating habits are meant for him or not. How well he understands the food or how well he is enjoying that food also matters a lot, and no one talks about that. Did you ever ask yourself that why do we work or for what luxury are we running behind to achieve? The answers will be the 3 basic luxuries or needs, 2.shelter, 3.clothes here will be some who will argue that these 3 are just basic needs, not the luxuries, the answer to them is my friend if you have all the wealth or XYZ materialistic luxuries of this world but don’t have a shelter, food, and clothes to cover you what will you do? Of those luxuries, you will give away all that stuff to get you’re these 3 needs to be fulfilled in your language, but in our language, these 3 are not just the needs but the luxuries of life.
So now let’s focus on our primary luxury of life the food.
Food is what we live for food is what we rely on and thus food should not just fill your stomach but instead your soul too. You should be able to enjoy the food as a luxury, not as a headache or a burden to follow a particular diet plan or fad diets. We do believe that there should be a structure to eat not just at a level of the soul but body too, here comes the diet plans in handy, nutrition plans are just to add a structure to your eating patterns so that you can eat good, look good and do good for our-self as well as others. If a nutrition plan doesn’t educate you on how things work and don’t make you independent then it’s of no use it’s just a waste of time and your resources.
In today’s nutrition industry there are many half and twisted truths that are responsible for misleading people and making them fool about how nutrition works and thus people start believing that following a structured diet or healthy lifestyle is a very tough job to do, for this, they have to sacrifice a lot and thus they end up staying where they are, and the end result is who is the culprit? The diets, healthy lifestyle in people’s vision but the real culprits are your nutritionists or your coach who made this elementary stuff as difficult as to climb an Everest. Just open your eye and look, you are paying someone to provide you with a service so that your life can be eased and what they do is make things more difficult for you, here you should be smart enough to know what is going on and is that easing your life or just complicating it.
The nutrition trends are also very famous now our days as:
- Fad diets
- Juice diets
- Specific miraculous foods for weight loss
- Detox diets
- No carb diets
- No fat diets, etc, etc.
These lists of frauds and misleading stuff will keep on going and going but if a person, actually knows what the nutrition science is then he would never talk about this stuff or like these things instead, he will laugh at the people who recommend this and follows these.
In today’s latest trends we even see some nutritionists even suggest daily call them and ask for what you have to eat and when to, not just this they even put you on these fancy trends discussed above.
Then what to do actually?
Here comes zigzfit in handy to help you out with this,
How zigzfit can help and make you self-reliant.
In zigzfit, we have the vision to make nutrition an elementary task for every individual by adding a structure to their lifestyle, eating habits, and much more. In nutrition, we won’t just add a structure but also educate you about the nutrition science that will help you up with achieving your goals as well as living your life to the fullest without worrying about your nutrition because you will be smart enough to make wiser choices. Investing in yourself is the best investment one can make, today invest in yourself by planting a tree of nutrition in your brain through which you don’t need to go out for highly-priced fruits the fruits will come from your brain’s garden instead. Resulting in you will never need a nutritionist again in your life for day-to-day living and give him money again and again for running over that hamster wheel, get over it and be self-reliant. Education empowers you but to a certain level the need for specialists will never be down as good nutritionists will always be needed for adding structure making people independent and in specialized cases as the patients with medical issues like,
- Diabetes
- Thyroid
- Blood pressure
- Hormonal imbalances
- Recovery from injury or operations
- Joint specifics
- Supplementations
- Etc Etc.
Do educate yourself, but never underestimate the professionals and specialists or disrespect them. Do question them crosscheck them choose your service providers wisely. The basics will always remain the same in any field of this world learn them but for any complex situation or problem do consult the professionals as majorly in medical situations or anything that deeply affects your life thus food and nutrition are one of them.
For any nutrition consultancy fill the form given below, zigzfit will be more than happy by adding structure and value to your life.
There will be an absolute free consultancy call
- There will be a consultancy call from our side to help you the most
- The call duration will be around 15-30min can exceed depending upon individual requirements
- Any old or present medical conditions are to be addressed
- We will talk about your goals and how to achieve them and find out what’s best for you
- If required after consultancy you can even register for one on one coaching
- The further details of one on one coaching will be delivered to you during the call by our team
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