The concept of zigzfit is pretty simple, we want to build a global platform for each and every fitness enthusiast with a curiosity for fitness, exercise, and nutrition science. zigzfit wants to deliver high-quality knowledge and information so that the effort applied by any individual should be in the right direction which will help them in achieving their fitness and life goals. The effort applied in the wrong direction is just a waste of time and resources. In this vast and beautiful fitness industry, there will be many misleading douchebags who will guide you towards a dark path of this fitness industry. As every coin has a flip side the fitness industry also have its pros and cons, zigzfit want to bring the good side of this industry forward to common people so that people can know what is right for them, in short, we can say zigzfit wants to empower the people with the sword of knowledge so that they can slay the demons that lure them to the dark side of this fitness industry.
For us, fitness is not just limited to superficial levels. fitness should be a holistic approach in which persons mental, emotional, physical, medical, and all other aspects should be considered for the holistic growth of an individual. we consider mental health a very important aspect as in this world many people are having poor mental health suffering from depression, anxiety, loneliness, etc etc. zigzfit will offer a unique platform where one can talk without giving a second thought, and thus zigz will offer some right direction and genuine advice for personal growth and prosperity as a family.
what does zigz mean?
The idea of zigz is to provide A to Z solutions for every individual on this unified platform, we want to promote a healthy lifestyle for you and your family whilst making your lives stress-free and cheerful. our vision is to reduce the death count of the world by shifting to a “healthy ” lifestyle. For many people following a good lifestyle can be a very tough job, but zigz has a vision of making this an elementary task by eliminating the half and twisted truths of fitness. we will teach how exciting and fun is to be fit, and that’s the kind of revolution we want to bring.
regards : zigzfit
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